• West Point Grey United Church (map)
  • 4595 W 8th Ave
  • Vancouver, BC, V6R 2A4
  • Canada


Sergei Prokofiev   Piano Sonata No.3 in A minor, Opus 28

Frank Bridge   Phantasie for Piano Trio in C minor, H.79

Ernest Bloch   Three Nocturnes for Piano Trio

Antonín Dvořák   Piano Trio No. 4 in E Minor “Dumky”, Op. 90, B. 166


Talisa Blackmanpiano

Joan Blackmanviolin

Marlena Tureskicello

One of Vetta’s missions is to provide opportunities for growth to emerging professional musicians.  Pianist Talisa Blackman is 26 years of age and has performed with some of the top orchestras from North America and Russia. The repertoire has been chosen with Talisa’s lyrical and flexible playing in mind. The wistful and rhapsodic Phantasie is a youthful work, written by Bridge for a competition in London in 1905, the Bloch Nocturnes are evocative sketches of dream-like states, from bliss to nightmarish, and the Dumky Trio is based on Slavic folk songs or “Dumky” that alternate in character between sadness and gaiety.